Featured Products
Cumarindine ointment is used for quick relief of burns, sunburn, radiation burns, cold sores, insect bites, bruises, hemorrhoids, diaper rash, diabetic sores, bedsores, muscle and joint pain, eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes, skin abrasions, non-healing wounds, open wounds and more!
Cumarindine has been effective in treating pets too. Scaly skin, “hot spots”, itching and hair loss in dogs. It has been used on horses to treat wounds and to promote hair growth.
Cumarindine ointment is available as a 1.6 oz. ($8.11/oz.), 3.8 oz ($6.57 oz.), and 13.9 oz ($6.11/oz.) jar. Cumarindine ointment is also available as Cumarindine2Go in a handy 0.4 oz. plastic jar with screw on top.

The Body
New products coming soon – visit this website often for new product availability
- Product for Pets
- Product for diaper rash
- New hydrating skin care/wrinkle remover
- Lip balm
Contact Us
Alabama Cosmeceutical Labs, LLC,
164 Allison Lane
Piedmont , AL , 36272 USA
Phone: 256-459-4727
Email: sales@painandskinhelp.com